Data Processing

The information in Internet has grown infinitely nowadays. The data gives us a lot of signals on the moment to take new decisions and visualize trends.

Web Scraping

Get the data in hours

Scan and download any information from websites, it’s the beginning of data study nowdays. Products, profiles, media data, among others. Almost everything that is in the web, can be saved as a CSV file. Also prepare, clean and submit this data to your website or project.

Data Visualization

Take better decisions

Identify patterns, make better decisions to achieve your goals. Charts give you a better perspective on information, and there are thousands of ways to do it. Let’s find out what would be best for your business.

Indicators & Strategies

The strategy game changer

If you have strategies that can push your investments even higher, let me know. I will develop for you any Trading View indicator or strategy.

Have any works you want to done by me?

Contact me. Let me know what you need, I'll do my best.